Laser Treatment for Vascular Skin Conditions

Millions of Americans are affected by vascular skin conditions. Dr. Hotchandani has extensive laser experience and has been providing vascular laser treatments since 1997. At Hotchandani Laser, Vein & Cosmetic Surgery, we can treat the following conditions:

  • Spider veins
  • Rosacea
  • Cherry angiomas (red moles)
  • Venous lakes
  • Surgical scars with redness
  • Stretch marks with redness
  • Port Wine Stain (birthmarks)

The excel V™ laser system is a cutting-edge vascular laser with integrated cooling to provide the very best in terms of safety and results.


Treatment with the excel V™ laser is performed on an outpatient basis. Patients report low to mild discomfort during the procedure and typically describe the sensation as feeling like the snap of a rubber band against the skin. The skin is kept cool during the treatment to achieve optimal results while protecting the surrounding tissues.


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