Winter Blues

VI Peel appleton

Is your skin feeling dull and in need of something to refresh it this winter?

The VI Peel is the ‘next generation’ in chemical exfoliants unlike any others you may have experienced. Each treatment includes a specially formulated post peel kit which is an essential component for treatment success; delivering superior results to improve and refresh you skin.*

Why choose the VI Peel?

Anti-Aging: The VI Peel treats the effects of sun damage, environmental factors and time, enhancing the skins natural beauty and luminosity.*

Acne: The VI Peel Acne addresses the main causes of breakouts; killing p. acnes, clearing impurities and calming inflammation.*

Hyperpigmentation: The VI Peel dramatically improves melasma, PIH and UV induced hyper pigmentation.*

Sensitive Skin: The VI Peel treats sensitized skin conditions including rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.*

Comfort: Our peels are formulated with a numbing agent making them virtually painless.*

Convenience: Each treatment takes less than 20 minutes enabling you to return to your normal daily activities immediately.*

Minimal Healing Time: Enjoy healthy, youthful, beautiful skin in about one week!*










*Results and patient experience may vary.


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