What Are My Breast Augmentation Options?

Aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and genetics can all affect the volume and shape of your breasts. Because the breasts are subject to changes over time or can be naturally small, many women wish for breasts that are fuller or more symmetrical. Breast augmentation is the most popular and effective surgery for achieving these goals. Once you decide to undergo surgery, there are many choices to make regarding the details of your procedure.

brunette in black bikini

Breast augmentation can be performed with or without implants.

When your own fat is used, liposuction is done with VASER® (ultrasound-based liposuction). VASERlipo® allows the separation of fat from the surrounding tissue without causing much trauma, making the fat more viable for optimum retention. Downtime is minimal, general anesthesia is not required, and issues with implants are avoided. Any disparity in breast size is also easily handled.

Implant Choices

All breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone and can be filled with either cohesive silicone gel or sterile saline solution. Silicone-filled implants tend to provide a more natural shape and feel but may require a longer incision than saline implants. Silicone implants also come in round and teardrop shapes. The teardrop-shaped implants provide a more natural breast slope, while round implants can provide enhanced cleavage. Saline implants can be filled once they are inserted, which allows for size adjustments if necessary.

Incision Placement

The placement and length of your incision will depend on the type of implant you choose and any considerations about scarring. Axillary incisions are placed within the armpit and can only be used if saline implants are chosen. Periareolar incisions are made around the edges of the areolas, and the inframammary incision is placed in the crease where the breast meets the chest.

Implant Placement

Your breast implants can be placed either under (submuscular) or over (subglandular) the chest muscles. Subglandular placement may be more appropriate for patients who want a more prominent bust and enhanced cleavage. Submuscular placement may be better for patients who desire a more natural look or have a smaller amount of existing breast tissue, as the pectoral muscles can help conceal the edges of the implant.

choosing breast implants

Can a Breast Augmentation Address Sagging?

Some patients may be happy with the volume of their breasts but are concerned about sagging. If tissue laxity in the breasts is severe, a breast lift can be performed (with or without breast implants). Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) tightens breast and glandular tissue and removes excess skin to provide perkier, more youthful-looking breasts.

Your Consultation

Dr. Hotchandani will review your medical history and discuss your expectations with you. Crisalix 3D Imaging may be used to give you a better idea of how your final results will look. Together, you and Dr. Hotchandani will decide on the type of implant, incision location, and implant placement that will best achieve your aesthetic goals.



If you are interested in breast augmentation and would like to learn more about your options, contact us today by calling our Green Bay office at (920) 497-9996, our Appleton office at (920) 738-6666, or by filling out our online contact form.